
Jesus said ‘Let the little children come to me and do not stop them!’ (Matt. 19:14)


The church family here at St Mary’s welcomes everyone young and older as we gather to worship God together week by week. Children are never too young to come to church and you and your children are very welcome! We have heard it said that “children are the future of the church” yet we believe children are also fully part of the church today! - And so we aim to involve and engage them in all our worship and fellowship.

Babies and Toddlers

Young children take part in their own way, and we love to hear them and have them with us. Older babies may like to see the active parts of the service, for example as the leaders share and show us things, pictures and video are used on the screen, candles are lit, baptisms and thanksgivings are celebrated and communion is shared. Many babies enjoy hearing the music in the service and delight in being held whilst we are singing.

Older Toddlers and Children

Provision for Children in our Sunday Services is as follows:

1st Sunday of the Month
Is our All-Age Family Service where the service is geared to making worship accessible to the whole family, especially children and young people.

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the Month
These are Holy Communion services and packs of resources and activities are provided for children so they can join in the service alongside their family in church. We encourage all the family to join in Holy Communion where younger ones can receive a blessing prayer as we help them begin to see this as a special time

3rd Sunday of the Month
This is a Morning Praise service for all the family.

There is also a carpeted area with soft toys and activities always available in church for under 5s.

Once every 2 month is our Messy Church for whole families to engage in church in a different way, with lots of crafts, activities, stories, songs and shared food together.  For more details see the Messy Church page.


Facilities and Refreshments

Toilets and changing facilities are readily available.

Special Services

Keep a look out for special services thoughout the year especially designed for children with activities, songs, stories and prayers.  These include a Christingle and Carol Service at Christmas and special services around Easter. Follow our Facebook page to hear news of these services, or check in with our website.

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