Gardening Team

St Mary’s Church

Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9am

The Gardening Team is a voluntary group of people from the community who wish to ensure that the churchyard around St Mary’s is kept in excellent condition for the people of Partington and Carrington when they come to visit their loved ones’ graves, visit the historic church or just want to spend some time in the peace and quiet.  The Gardening Team undertakes all aspects of gardening within the churchyard and church grounds whilst respecting the environment in which they work, maintaining the grass, flower beds, paths, trees and graves in addition to a special planting in a garden of remembrance.

Over the years the Gardening Team has provided a great fellowship and supportive friends for the volunteers who attend and give them a sense of purpose and achievement as well as meaningful work which improves their skills and confidence.  These skills are easily transferrable into the community or domestic gardens to the benefit of the wider community of Partington and Carrington.  Volunteers may be in work, out of work or retired from work and new members are frequently sort, of any age or ability whether they attend St Mary’s Church or not.

The Team meets every Tuesday and Thursday morning throughout the year with a mid-morning break for tea and toast.  Former members of this group who are now unable to do the physical work, still benefit socially from joining the team on their tea and toast break where there is always a warm welcome!

The churchyard is part of the “Partington in Bloom” scheme for which a Silver Award was recently given by the RHS North West in Bloom Competition.

To get involved either just come along to church on a Tuesday or Thursday morning, or speak to any of the team at church or contact us via the contact form.

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