We are committed to providing and encouraging an environment where children, vulnerable adults and those at risk for any reason are able to worship, socialise, follow their faith journey and play an active role in the church. Everyone is welcome in Jesus’ name and children and people at risk should be safe in Christ’s church. We take our duty and obligation to safeguard and protect all people extremely seriously, and we have adopted the national Church of England's robust safeguarding procedures and guidelines. If you or anyone you are in contact with would like to talk with someone independently, please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or email:
To this end we undertake to:
- Prevent all kinds of abuse and immediately report any which is discovered or suspected, cooperating with Chester Diocese's Safeguarding Team, Police and local authorities as necessary.
- Carefully select, support and train all those with any relevant responsibility within the church in line with Safer Recruitment principles including the use of criminal record checks.
- Protect those who work with vulnerable people to support them in carrying out that work safely.
Within the church there are various jobs which people do where they might be more likely to come across people of any age who are in distress – for example Sunday School Teachers, Pastoral Care Workers and Visitors and members of the clergy.
Click here to download a copy of an overview our Safeguarding Policy Principles.
St Mary's Church works with the guidance set out in the Church of England Safeguarding Handbook which outlines our safeguarding responsibilities as outlined in the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance. Click here to view a copy of the handbook online. Further information can be found on the Diocese of Chester safeguarding page.
The policy describes how the volunteers and staff be trained and supported, and includes comprehensive guidance on how to deal with safeguarding issues. It is important for people who work within the church to know about the signs that someone is being hurt and what to do about this if they have any concerns.
St. Mary’s Church PCC has appointed Mrs Carey Hammond as the Child Protection Coordinator. Carey can be contacted, in confidence, should anyone have any safeguarding concern about any child, vulnerable person, adult or situation by phone: 07749 875427 or via e-mail at:
Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team in the Diocese of Chester directly.
Click here for the relevant contact details.