
Playaway is our Parent/Carers and Toddler Group who meet on Wednesday mornings in school term time from 10am -12pm. The children who attend with their parent/carer are aged from birth to 5 years and here they learn to socialise with each other and have great fun together, through play, craft, stories and music. There’s always a wide range of toys available along with trikes and bikes for the older ones. During the busy morning everyone sits down together for toast and juice, and refreshments are provided for the adults too. Parents, grandparents and carers who have attended over the years have especially enjoyed this fellowship and made many good friends. Many of the children stay friends at school too.

Do come along to a session and meet Natalie and Hayley, our leaders or for more information get in touch via the contact page. The group costs just 50p per person per session. You will be assured of a warm welcome and, who knows, you and your child may end up with a whole new circle of friends.

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